Thursday, May 24, 2012


Usrah is widely known as an Arabic word which means ‘family’. Usrah may refer to any religious activity in groups, addressing any type of religious discussions. When the word ‘Usrah’ is prefixed with the letter E, then E-Usrah can be defined as an Islamic educational system using electronic applications to support the learning and teaching processes. Internet and technological devices are the main medium.

Feel free listen to online lecturers by Prof Dr Muhaya,click link below:

Listen to e-usrah "ISLAM ITU INDAH"

The 10 Biggest Trends In Online Education Right Now

1. A shift to open source

2. Being considered more valuable by employers

3. Hybrid courses are surfacing

4. Enrollment growing exponentially compared to brick-mortar-schools

5. Shared data, collaborative functionality

6. Shift from books and closed texts to digital content distribution

7. Social learning systems to be cloud-based

8. Podcasting is on the rise

9. Better technology is emerging

10. Social media becoming educational

by Edudemic

Monday, May 14, 2012


The university library has received a new printer and photocopy machine. All patrons can now print using the PDprint system (Print files with Advances Printing Software). A special card is used which allows patrons to print documents and files using any of the PCs provided in the library. This card can be purchased at the counter for RM10.00 each. Remaining balance cannot be reloaded in the current card. A new card must be purchased in order to continue using the service. Instruction manuals for printing and photocopying are available at the university library.

Printing and Photocopying Rates

A4 RM0.10 per page (Black and white)
A4 RM2.00 per page (Colour)
A3 RM4.00 per page (Colour)
*A3 *RM0.20 per page (Black and white)

The university library also provides headphones that can be borrowed by users within the library. There are four pairs of headphones available at the library counter for staffs/students with an ID. Make good use of them and kindly return them on the same day they are borrowed. However, they are subjected to the following restrictions:

•        The headphones are available to all patrons with a valid library/ID card.
•        The headphones are for ‘in-library’ use ONLY.
•        The headphones can be checked out for a 2 hour loan period during opening hours.
•        Headphones returned after the due periods are subject to penalty/fines.
•        Holds may be placed on the headphones but advance bookings are not allowed.

To borrow the library headphones, you may search the library OPAC (Online Public Access Catalogue) to see if the headphones are available. They can be searched in the catalogue under both author and title as ‘library headphones’ or ‘headphones’.
From 14/05/2012 until 01/06/2012 (Monday to Sunday), UNIRAZAK library will be open from 9.00am to 10.00pm to provide students with as much library access as possible for exam study. UNIRAZAK library staffs wish you all the best and good luck in your exam.


Look here for a list of all new arrivals to the Library. Please be remind that the display period is from 14th May 2012 until 28th May 2012.  Click Here